Abstract: Culture shapes how people express and feel emotions in specific situations and certain aspects of emotions vary across cultures. Body expressions are as powerful as facial expressions in conveying emotions, with Westerners tending to exhibit more exaggerated emotional body language (EBL) than Easterners. This study uses two experiments to explore whether individuals' emotion recognition of EBL is affected by cultural background information. Experiment 1 finds that individuals tend to associate sadness EBL with Chinese identity and dynamic EBL with American identity. Experiment 2a shows that cultural identity information does not affect EBL recognition. Experiment 2b confirms that highly aroused EBL in an American environment is recognized more quickly and accurately than in a Chinese environment, and that dynamic EBL is also recognized more quickly and accurately in an American environment. In conclusion, cultural background information plays a significant role in emotion recognition and cross-cultural communication accuracy.
Key words: Emotional body language, emotion recognition, cultural identity information, cultural environment information, comparison of Chinese and American cultures
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Emotional Contagion Ability Scale: Compilation and empirical validity for Chinese college studentsThe individualism and collectivism of culture characteristics and their influence on emotional contagion